Blog and Articles.
Chat/Text Abbreviations & Acronyms
This updated resource helps parents and educators understand the abbreviations and acronyms commonly used by young people in text messages, social media, and online chat rooms. It is meant to serve as a bridge between generations, making it easier to monitor and understand youth conversations online, particularly when concerns about cyberbullying or online safety arise. Citation […]
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Our Cyberbullying Scale: Two Decades of Measuring Online Aggression
When Sameer and I first became interested in studying cyberbullying back in 2001, we began our inquiry by simply speaking with folks. We talked with parents and teens, but also with teachers and other school staff, as well as law enforcement officers and anyone else who worked with young people. We wanted to know more […]
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Instagram Teen Accounts – A Win for Parents and Legislators
Instagram just announced a significant update to the way they safeguard and support teen users on their platform, and I believe that this development is timely, well-constructed, and one that should lead to measurable benefits. These changes will initially be made to all accounts of youth under 18 years of age in the US, UK, […]
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Addressing Youth Sexting Through Rational Legislation and Education
Sexting is defined as “the sending or receiving of sexually explicit or sexually suggestive images or videos,” usually via mobile devices. Our research indicates that at least 14% of US middle and high school students report that they have sent explicit images to others, while about 23% have received these kinds of images from their […]
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Responding to Cyberbullying: Strategies for School Counselors
Technology has created many opportunities for students to be hurtful to each other in a variety of ways, and has made interpersonal peer conflict even more challenging for schools to deal with. This is complicated by the reality that youth have always been hesitant to confide in adults when faced with problems with peers. In […]
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Meet Willow Shields, STOMP Out Bullying’s 2024 Pride Ambassador
At STOMP Out Bullying, we are thrilled to introduce our 2024 Pride Ambassador, Willow Shields. Known for her breakout role as Primrose Everdeen in “The Hunger Games” series, Willow has captivated audiences worldwide with her talent and dedication.
Gender Identity: Embracing Individuality & Self Expression
What limiting ideas about your gender or identity do you encounter in your life and how can you challenge them in positive, constructive and playful ways? Where do your own ideas about identity come from? In what ways do you express your authentic self? Who are your role models? Are you a role model?
Understanding the World of Transgender People: Building a Supportive Environment
Adolescent Digital Self-Harm Over Time: Prevalence and Perspectives
Digital self-harm, the anonymous online posting, sending, or otherwise sharing of hurtful content about oneself, has not received the same amount of scholarly scrutiny as other forms of self-directed abuse. In the current paper, we analyze three independent national surveys of U.S. teens (aged 13–17, M = 14.96) in repeat cross-sectional studies conducted in 2016 […]
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The Nature and Extent of Youth Sextortion: Legal Implications and Directions for Future Research
Sextortion, the threatened dissemination of explicit, intimate, or embarrassing images of a sexual nature without consent, is an understudied problem. Despite a recent increase in reported incidents among adolescents in the United States, little is known about the nature and extent of sextortion among this population. The current research explores sextortion behaviors among a national […]
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Digital Self-Harm: The Growing Problem You’ve Never Heard Of
Sameer and I first became aware of digital self-harm over a decade ago when we learned of the suicide of Hannah Smith. She was 14 years old when she ended her life after being mistreated online. The resulting investigation determined that the threats and hurtful comments directed toward her on the anonymous app Ask.fm were […]
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Lessons Learned from Ten Generative AI Misuse Cases
Generative AI can contribute to a wide range of possible risks and harms that can affect the emotional and psychological well-being of others, their financial state of affairs, and even their physiological health and physical safety. Both users and platforms (as well as government!) have a clear role to play, and I’ve explained their respective […]
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Teens and AI: Virtual Girlfriend and Virtual Boyfriend Bots
A school counselor who works in a private school in California recently emailed me to ask for help as it relates to students and the misuse of specific AI bots. Her concerns, though, did not surround general purpose AI bots like Snapchat’s My AI or Microsoft’s CoPilot, but rather those that are specifically used as […]
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Celebrating Black History Month 2024
Each February, National Black History Month serves as both a celebration and a powerful reminder that Black history is American history, Black culture is American culture.
Cyberbullying legislation and case law: Implications for school policy and practice
This Fact Sheet provides a summary of important court cases and pending legislation that can help school administrators evaluate and improve their current cyberbullying policies and procedures. Hinduja, S. & Patchin, J.W. (2024). Cyberbullying legislation and case law: Implications for school policy and practice. Cyberbullying Research Center. Retrieved [insert date], from https://cyberbullying.org/cyberbullying-legal-issues.pdf Download PDF
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When Your Mother is Your Cyberbully
Last winter when Sameer and I were writing the third edition of Bullying Beyond the Schoolyard (published last fall!), we spent quite a bit of time searching for unique examples of cyberbullying to include in the book. One of the more interesting cases I came across involved a 14-year-old girl from Beal City, Michigan. I […]
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In Memoriam of Scott Beaudoin
It is with a heavy heart and immeasurable sadness that we share the heartbreaking news that STOMP Out Bullying’s Board member and dear friend #ScottBeaudoin has passed away.
Bullying Beyond the Schoolyard: Preventing and Responding to Cyberbullying (3rd edition)
We’ve updated our award-winning, best-selling book and hope you check it out, given that so much has changed since the 2nd edition. We remain fully committed to supporting educators, youth mental health professionals, families, community leaders, and others who serve young people as they navigate social media and gaming issues and seek to promote well-being […]
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World Anti-Bullying Forum 2023!
It’s been over a month, but I still catch myself smiling when I think of the memories made at the 2023 World Anti-Bullying Forum (WABF). For those not familiar, WABF is an international forum and biennial conference focused on understanding and preventing bullying, cyberbullying, and other forms of interpersonal violence against children and young people. Delegates […]
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What To Do When Your Child is Cyberbullied: Top Ten Tips for Parents
(For a formatted .pdf version of this article for distribution, click on the image above [or click here]). Spanish Translation Available Here Discovering that your child is being cyberbullied is painful and challenging. Here’s what to do: 1. MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD IS (AND FEELS) SAFE. Their safety and well-being should always be your foremost […]
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“End to Cyber Bullying” (ETCB) is a non-profit organization aimed at combating cyberbullying in this modern age of advancing technology.
This multi-award-winning anti-cyberbullying nonprofit, provides expert help and advice for cyberbullying victims and their families.
The socially Aware Blog covers the law and business of social media around cyberbullying and online attacks.

If you or a loved one are currently being victimized online, you can always speak with a support advocate 24 hours a day.
For contact and press inquiries, please complete all fields below. I look forward to hearing from you and will get back to you shortly. - Raven
Influencer Articles:
Zoe Sugg Interview
Monica Lewinsky Interview
Chessie Kingg Interview
Cyber Bullying Resources:
Video about bullying
Government support website
Contact a support agent