This updated resource helps parents and educators understand the abbreviations and acronyms commonly used by young people in text messages, social media, and online chat rooms. It is meant to serve as a bridge between generations, making it easier to monitor and understand youth conversations online, particularly when concerns about cyberbullying or online safety arise.
Hinduja, S. & Patchin, J. (2025). Chat/Text Abbreviations & Acronyms. Cyberbullying Research Center. Retrieved [insert date], from
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AbbreviationMeaning1v11 versus 1 or one-on-one2v22 versus 2 or two-on-two4+4Means the person “8” (ate). They did good, they are awesome. 2C4UToo cool for you2Day/TdyToday420Marijuana reference4K UHD4K Ultra HD11:11A time to make a wish1437I love you foreverA/CAccept/counterA/DAccept/declineA/S/L?Age/sex/location?AAAdmin abuseAAAGames and game developers with large marketing budgetsAAMOFAs a matter of factABTAboutADIHAnother day in h*llADNAny day nowAF/ASFAs f**kAFAICAs far as I’m concernedAFAICTAs far as I can tellAFAIKAs far as I knowAFAIRAs far as I rememberAFKAway from keyboardAggroRefers to drawing the attention and attacks of enemies, typically NPC monstersAIDAAttention, Interest, Desire, ActionAKAAlso known asALRAlrightAMAAsk me anythingAoEArea of effectAOMMAlways on my mindAOSArrest on sightAPIApplication Programming InterfaceARPGAction role-playing gameASAICAs soon as I canASAPAs soon as possibleASBAs ballsATMAt the momentATPAt this pointATWAll the wayAYMMAre you my mother?AYORAt your own riskB@UBack at youB4BeforeB4NBye for nowBABad ailenBAEBefore anything elseBAMFBad A** M*****f****rBBBabyBBBBBye bye be goodBBIABBe back in a bitBBIASBe back in a secBBLBe back laterBBLBrazilian Butt Lift (plastic surgery)BBNBye bye now or Be back neverBC or b/cBecauseBDBig dealBDEBig D*** energyBETYesBFBoyfriend or best friendBFDBig f*****g dealBFFBest friend foreverBFFRBe fuc***g for realBFNBye for nowBOLBe on later/Best of luck/ Bust out laughingBRBattle royaleBRBBe right backBRTBe right thereBSAAWBig smile and a winkBTAIMBe that as it mayBTDTBeen there, done thatBTSBehind the scenesBTWBy the wayBuff/NerfChanges to a character or weapon that make them better or worseBUMPBring up my postBWBest wishesBWLBursting with laughterBYOBBring your own booze/beerCapLieCBClosed betaCoDCall of DutyCPMCost per thousandCSCareer suicide or Creep scoreCSAMChild Sexual Assault Material CSLCan’t stop laughingCTACall-to-actionCUSee youCuzCousin; friend. “What up cuz?” CWOTComplete waste of timeCXCustomer experienceCYASee ya or Cover your a**CYTSee you tomorrowDAEDoes anyone else?DBMIBDon’t bother me I’m busyDCDance credit(s)DCDisconnectDDDesignated driverDDDishonorably dischargedDFTBADon’t forget to be awesomeDIMLDay in my lifeDissDisrespectDIYDo it yourselfDLDown lowDLCDownloadable contentDMDirect messageDNDDo not disturbDOTDamage over timeDOTADefense of the AncientsDPSDamage per secondDTFDown to f**kDW Don’t worryDWHDuring working hoursDUBWin (the first syllable in the letter ‘W’)E123Easy as one, two, threeEBGDEvidence-based game designELI5Explain like I’m 5EMBMEarly morning business meetingEODEnd of dayESBEveryone snap back (sent to ensure users keep up with Snap streaks)ETAEstimated time of arrivalEYCExcited Yet CalmEZEasyF2FFace to faceF2PFree to playF4F/FFFFollow for followFAMFamilyFAQFrequently-asked question(s)FaTHFirst and Trust HusbandFAWCFor anyone who caresFBFacebookFBFFlashback FridayFBOFacebook officialFBOIF**k boyFFFollow Friday or Friendly fireFFAFree for allFGCFighting game communityFIMHForever in my heartFINSTAFake Instagram accountFML F*** my lifeFOBFresh Off the BoatFOMOFear of missing outFOVField of viewFPFree paintFPSFirst-person shooter or frames per secondFRFor realFRPFail roleplayFTFFace to FaceFTFYFixed that for youFTLFor the lossFTWF*** the world or for the winFUTABFeet up, take a breakFWFuc* with itFWBFriends with benefitsFWIWFor what it’s worthFYEOFor your eyes only (may indicate explicit content) (also 4YEO)FYIFor your informationFYP For you pageGFriend (“What’s up my G”)G2GGot to goGAGo ahead or Google AnalyticsGAHOY Get a hold of yourselfGBGoodbyeGBLGame based learningGDDGame design documentGFGirlfriendGFNGone for nowGG/GGWPGood game/ Good game, well playedGGPGotta go peeGLGood luckGLHFGood luck, have funGMTAGreat minds think alikeGNOGirls night outGOATGreatest of all timeGOIGet over itGR8GreatGRASGenerally recognized as safeGRATZCongratulationsGRWMGet Ready with meGTFOGet the f*** outGTGGood to go or Got to goGTRGot to runGYATTGoddamn/ButtGYPOGet your pants offH&KHug and kissH8HateHBDHappy birthdayHBUHow about you?HEAFHigh expectations Asian fatherHGSHot girl shitHIFWHow I feel whenHMBHit me backHMUHit me upHPHit points or health pointsHRUHow are you?HTHat TipHTHHope this helps/Here to help/Happy to helpHTMLHyper Text Markup LanguageHUDHeads up displayHWHomeworkIACIn any caseIANADI am not a doctor (but)IANALI am not a lawyer (but)IBInspired byICI seeICIn characterICLI can’t lieICYMIIn case you missed itIDCI don’t careIDEKI don’t even knowIDGAFI don’t give a f***IDKI don’t knowIFYPI feel your painIGInstagramIHUI hear youIIRCIf I recall/remember/recollect correctlyIKRI know, right?ILU or ILYI love youIMInstant messageIMDIn my dreamsIMHOIn my humble opinionIMingInstant messagingIMOIn my opinionIMU/IMYI miss youIOInsertion orderIOWIn other wordsIRLIn real life (that is, when not chatting)ISOIn search ofISPInternet service providerISTG I swear to GodIU2UIt’s up to youIWSNI want sex nowIYKYKIf you know you know (meant to refer to an outside joke)IYSWIMIf you see what I meanJ4FJust for funJBJailbreakJICJust in caseJJJumping jacksJK or j/kJust kiddingJMOJust my opinionJSJust sayingJSYKJust so you knowJTLYKJust to let you knowJVJoint VentureKOkK/D Ratio Kill-Death ratioKappaUsed to denote sarcasm or disingenuous humorKFYKiss for youKMSKill myselfKOsKnockoutsKPCKeeping parents cluelessKYSKill yourselfLA loss (“You took an L”)L4LLike for likeL8LateL8RLaterL8RG8RLater gatorLFG or LFPLooking for group or Looking for a partyLFMLooking for membersLILinkedInLITCool/PositiveLMAOLaughing my a** offLMFAOLaughing my f*****g a** offLMGTFYLet me Google that for youLMIRLLet’s meet in real lifeLMKLet me knowLMPLike my pic or Lick my p***yLMRLike my recent (picture)LMSLike my status or Learning management systemLOLLaughing out loudLOLzLaughing out loud (plural/sarcastic)LOML Love of my lifeLoSLine of sightLSRLoserLTRLong-term relationship
AbbreviationMeaningLYLove yaMCMMan crush MondayMFWMy face whenMIDAverageMIRLMe in real lifeMMMusic MondayMMOMassively multiplayer onlineMMOGMassive multiplayer online gameMMORPGMassively-multiplayer online role-playing gameMMSMade me smileMOBAMultiplayer online battle areaMOOCMassive online open courseMorFMale or femaleMOSMom over shoulderMOSGMassive online serious gamesMPMagic points or Mana points or MultiplayerMRWMy reaction whenMSGMessageMTModified tweetMTFBWYMay the force be with youMUSMMiss you so muchMVPMost valuable playerMWAHKissesMYOBMind your own businessN/ANot applicableN&C?Netflix and chill (implying wanting to hook up and get together)NADTNot a darn thingNAGINot a good ideaNBNot badNBDNo big dealNCNo capNFGNo f*****g goodNFSNot for saleNFTNot for tradeNFWNo f*****g wayNGFNot going firstNGLNot going to lieNIFOCNaked in front of computerNMNot much/never mindNMUNot much, you?NP or N/PNo problemNPCNon-playable characterNPINo pun intendedNRNNo response (or reply) necessaryNRSNo repliesNSFLNot safe for lifeNSFWNot safe for workNTHNice to haveNTSNote to selfNTYNo thank youNVMNevermindOANOn another noteOBOpen betaOBVObviouslyOCOriginal content, Original character, or Open crib (no parents home)ODerOnline DaterOFCOf courseOHOverheardOICOh, I seeOMDBOver my dead bodyOMFGOh my f*****g GodOMGOh my GodOMWOn my wayONGOn God (I swear)OoCOut of characterOoGOut of gameOOHOut of hoursOOMOut of mana or Out of MagicOOOOut of the officeOOTDOutfit of the dayOPOverpay or Original poster or Over-poweredORLYOh, really?OTOff-topicOTPOn the phone or One true pairingOTWOn the wayP2PPerson to person or peer to peerP2WPay to winP911Parent alertPAHParent at homePAWParents are watchingPBBParents behind backPCPlayer characterPCMPlease call mePDAPublic display of affectionPFPProfile picturePGedPassword guessedPHProduct HuntPIPun intendedPITRParent in the roomPKPlayer killsPLS/PLZPleasePMPrivate messagePMOYSPut me on your SnapchatPOMSParent over my shoulderPOSPiece of s**tPOTDPhoto of the dayPOVPoint of viewPPCPay per clickPPLPeoplePRPageRank or Public relationsPRTPlease retweetPSPrivate serverPTBPlease text backPUPop up (implying for someone to message the other person on Snapchat)PVPageviewsPvEPlayer vs. EntertainmentPvPPlayer vs. PlayerQAQuality assuranceQOTDQuote of the dayQQCryingQTCutieRAKRandom act of kindnessRAPRecent average priceRBFResting Bitc* FaceRBTLRead between the linesRDMRandom death matchRK Randomly killingRLReal life (that is, when not chatting)RLRTReal life retweetRNRight nowROIReturn of investmentROTFLRolling on the floor laughing (or ROTFLMAO (my a*** off)RPGRole-playing gamesRSSReally simple syndicationRTReal tweetRTRetweetRTCRoblox Twitter CommunityRTDReal-time dataRTSReal time strategyRUOK?Are you okay?RYORoll your own (write your own program, do it yourself)S4S/SFSSnap for Snap or Shout out for shout outSaaSSoftware as a serviceSBSnap BackSCMSnapchat meSFWSafe for workSHS**t happensSIMStimulation GamesSkidScript kiddieSMSocial mediaSMBSmall businessSMDHShaking my damn headSMFHShaking my f*****g headSMHShake my headSMOSerious mode on or social media optimizationSMPSocial media platformSNOWCocaineSOSignificant otherSOBSon of a b****SOLS*** out of luckSoLoMoSocial, Local, MobileSOMLStory of my lifeSOSSomeone over shoulderSOVShare of voiceSRSlow repliesSRSSeriousSRSLYSeriouslySSDDSame stuff different daySTFUShut the f*** upSTFWSearch the f*****g WebSTWSearch the WebSUShut up or Swipe upSUFFShut up f**k faceSUPWhat’s upSUSSuspiciousSWAKSealed with a kissSWYPSo, what’s your point?SYSSee you soonT&CTerms and conditionsTAThanks againTBA/TBDTo be announced/To be decided (or determined)TBCTo be continuedTBHTo be honestTBRTo be realTBSTurn based strategyTBTThrowback ThursdayTCG/CCGTrading/Collectible card gameTDTower defenseTDTMTalk dirty to meTeaGossipTFThe f**kTFLOPSTeraflopsTFWThat feeling whenTGIFThank God it’s FridayTHOTThat h** over thereTHXThanksTIAThanks in advanceTILToday I learnedTIMETears in my eyesTINLAThis is not legal adviceTL;DRToo long; didn’t readTMText MessageTMBTweet me backTMIToo much informationTMRWTomorrowTMWThat moment whenTNTonightTNTTill next timeTNTLTrying not to laughTOSTerms of ServiceTOTESTotallyTOYThinking of youTPSThird-person shooterTTTikTokTTTransformation TuesdayTTTThought that, too (when someone types in what you were about to type)TTYLTalk to you laterTTYNTalk to you neverTTYSTalk to you soonTWTrigger warningTXTTextTYThank youTYIAThank you in advanceTYSMThank you so muchTYTTake your timeTYVMThank you very muchUYouUGCUser generated contentUIUser interfaceUncUncle; cool older person UPUnderpoweredURLUniform Resource LocatorUVUnique visitorUXUser experienceVVery or ViaVSFVery sad face/very severely f****d (in big trouble)WWinW or W/WithW/EWhateverW/OWithoutW8WaitWaaPPWork at a pizza placeWAPWet a** p***yWBWelcome backWBUWhat about you?WCWWoman crush WednesdayWDYMBT?What do you mean by that?WFMWorks for meWIBNIWouldn’t it be nice ifWIPWork in progressWOMWord of mouthWOsWipeoutsWOTDWord of the DayWoWWorld of WarcraftWRKWorkWTFWhat the f***!WTGWay to go!WTHWhat the h**lWTPA?Where the party at?WTTWant to tradeWU?What’s up?WUF?Where are you from?WUZUPWhat’s up?WYA?Where you at?WYCM?Will you call meWYMWhat do you mean?WYDWhat’re you doing?WYWHWish you were hereXPExperience or Experience pointsYWhyYEETThrow it outYGMYou get meYGTRYou got that rightYMMVYour mileage may vary.YNKYou never knowYOLOYou only live onceYSKYou should knowYTWhite (normally referring to someone’s race)YTYouTubeYWYou’re welcomeZaPizzaZazaWeedZOMGOh my God (empathatic)ZZZSleeping/bored/tired
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